
Here is a list of some writeups I did. I hope it will help you to get a better understanding of how to exploit vulnerabilities in the various fields of information security.

I left the passwords in cleartext for most of the levels because, if you google it, you’ll find them anyway… But, try to do it yourself because “It’s not about the destination; it’s about the journey”.

OTW - OverTheWire

OverTheWire is a community that can help you to learn and practice security concepts in the form of fun-filled games. They offer lots of wargames to practice your skills !

You can access to the write-ups with the following link: OTW Writeups.

Note: This write-up is constantly evolving. Last update: October 7, 2019.

HTB - Hack The Box

Hack The Box is a massive, online cybersecurity training platform, allowing individuals, companies, universities and all kinds of organizations around the world to level up their hacking skills.

You can access to the write-ups with the following link: HTB Writeups.

Note: This write-up is constantly evolving. Last update: May 21, 2023.

MBE - Modern Binary Exploitation

Modern Binary Exploitation (MBE) is a free course developed and used by RPISEC to teach Modern Binary Exploitation at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. It covers basic x86 reverse engineering, vulnerability analysis, and classical forms of Linux-based userland binary exploitation. It also focuses on protections found on modern systems and the techniques used to defeat them. This course comes with a large number of labs that I’ll explain in this write-up.

You can access to the write-up with the following link: MBE Writeups.

Note: This write-up is constantly evolving. Last update: May 3, 2023.